EasyFi Announces Multi-Million Developer’s Fund and Grants Program

EasyFi Network is the world’s leading DeFi lending protocol. It has created the #BuildWithEasyFi initiative in order to promote the use of various benefits within the EasyFi ecosystem. As a part of the initiative, EasyFi has announced a Developer’s Fund and Grants program where promising projects and individuals can gain access to the capital necessary to build their products, in turn contributing to the growth of the EasyFi Network.

According to the company, the Developer’s Fund has been in the works as part of its roadmap for the year 2021. The fund will encourage open infrastructure development, offering the developer community access to EasyFi’ s resources with the intention of accelerating the overall growth of the entire DeFi ecosystem.

Applications are now open for entry into the EasyFi Developer’s Fund and Grants program.

The Idea Behind EasyFi Developer’s Fund and Grants

EasyFi Network is on a mission to promote the underlying principles of DeFi – Composability and Decentralization. The blockchain protocols are sufficient to allow for decentralization. However, community participation is the best way to ensure composability within the ecosystem. The EasyFi Developer’s Fund and Grants program acts as a lucrative support structure.

This program is focused on resource allocation in order to make sure that the right projects have the tools and resources they need to create full-fledged DeFi products. Independent projects or groups can collaborate with EasyFI Network to access the various features that it has, and which can then be easily implemented. To further the applications of EasyFi Network alongside the development of the DeFi ecosystem, EasyFi has shortlisted a set of focus areas for the Developer’s Fund and Grants program.

These areas of focus include a mobile-first approach for staking, farming, and lending involving EasyFi pools; automation solutions; dashboards and analytics for EasyFi lending, liquidation etc; use cases for the EasyFi’ s native EZ tokens; cross-chain bridges and infrastructure; third party interfaces for accessing EasyFi lending, staking, and farming pools; and native cross-chain dApps leveraging EasyFi lending pools.

We have a vision which will eventually lead us to becoming a DAO. However, the main theme of this protocol is still building open lending infrastructures. We believe that a collaborative approach with a community of believers, will drive the growth & direction of the network. We are very excited to get involved with some very talented people who are planning to work on & integrate the EasyFi lending to create products and applications that extend & grow the protocol.”

— Ankitt Gaur, Founder and CEO of EasyFi Network

Apply for the EasyFi Network Developer’s Fund

A simple application form is available for interested teams, projects, and individuals to apply. You will be asked to fill out details regarding your project, team, contact information and the GitHub link. The EasyFi team reviews all applications and will shortlist those that fit the criteria. The EasyFi team will contact the applicants to discuss further steps.

Apply here: https://forms.gle/Q4Ueoait3ZvMujrD8


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