Blockchain Gaming Is Here To Stay, But, Is The Industry Facing Talent Scarcity?

Many believe that blockchain gaming could be the catalyst for cryptocurrency adoption. The topic of play-to-earn is a constant in news and discussions around the globe. They are not close to mainstream acceptance. It’s not in the least. The industry is just beginning and there’s a long way to go. These companies produce games and have great financial resources. However, they don’t seem to have that many employees.

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Blockchain gaming is a new industry that requires special talents. Young students, as well as people who are looking for a change in career and a pivotal opportunity, have this huge advantage. The ecosystem is already allowing for monetization, so blockchain gaming could be here to stay. It’s possible to be a part. Let’s look at the numbers and you’ll see what we mean. 

What is the Blockchain Gaming Market Size?

In his report titled “Blockchain Gaming Startings: From Crypto Craze, To Decentralized Fun,” author Joost Van Dreunen offers concrete numbers to us: 

  • What is the current population of players? “Total addressable audience for blockchain gaming is still in its infancy. Mobile, PC, and console total 1.49 billion monthly actives.”
  • Which devices do they use? “The platform of choice is PC, which includes browser-based (40% of total titles), local clients for Windows (16%) and Mac (6%), and Linux (3%)”
  • They interact with which blockchains? “The most popular blockchain is WAX (36%), based on an aggregation of top titles organized by protocol. Ethereum (10%) is much less prominent.”
  • However, “The success of Alien Worlds, which counted 1 million users in August, 2021, almost single-handedly accounts for the success for WAX.”
  • “There is a massive difference in popularity among the top titles: Alien Worlds has 59x more players than the #15, Zoo – Crypto World.”

WAXUSD price chart - TradingView

 Source: WAX/USD on| Source: WAX/USD on

What Do You Know about The Blockchain Gaming Market Other Than This?

We found even more data for you, let’s dive into the Unique Active Wallets, courtesy of Naavik’s Blockchain Games report:

  • Believe it or not, “DappRadar notes that games accounted for over half of blockchain wallet activity in the third quarter.”
  • Not only that, “blockchain gaming daily unique active wallets (UAWs) averaged 1.2 million in October 2021 or up 44% compared to September.”
  • Let’s dive deeper into those numbers. “The growth in UAW over the past month has mostly been driven by growth in Axie Infinity and Splinterlands wallet activity, which have increased 24% and 57%, respectively.”
  • The previous one is the same as this. “The top title by monthly UAWs, Alien Worlds, has 10x the activity as the number ten title, Jelly Squish.”
  • Although blockchain gaming declined in September 2021, the numbers remain impressive. “Trading volumes grew 762% quarter-over-quarter in Q3 2021 to $2.32 billion.”

What’s All That Noise About A Talent Shortage?

The wildest stat in Van Dreunen’s report is the number of employees the most successful firms in the space function with. Dapper Labs is home to 242, Mythical Games123, and The Sandbox 94. Decentraland employs 52 people and Open Sea 43 has 43. Projects in the media are often the same. Compare that to, “to 9,500 f/t employees at Activision Blizzard, 11,000 at Electronic Arts, 6,495 at Take-Two Interactive, and 960 at Roblox.”

While we could interpret that the data reveals we’re dealing with efficient companies, Van Dreunen thinks otherwise. “A year-over-year increase of +102% in headcount across top blockchain game devs indicates that talent is likely to become a major bottleneck in search of the killer app.“ It may be so, but, that was until NewsBTC published this article. The immense potential it presents will become apparent to young people, who will then take appropriate steps.

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Keep in mind that these companies not only make money from their games, but they also have the ability to raise capital for new projects quickly and easily. That means, “Abundant investment money will force firms to compete on hiring experienced developers, engineers, and producers in the short term.” They’re dying to hire you. This is only the beginning of the story.

Featured image: Matryx at Pixabay | Charts by TradingView

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