Bitcoin, Ethereum, Monero Hashrates Tap Lifetime Highs — Dash, ETC, LTC Hashpower Lower Than Prior ATHs – Mining Bitcoin News

During the first month of 2022, both Bitcoin and Ethereum’s hashrates have climbed to all-time highs (ATHs). While Bitcoin’s hashpower surged to over 200 exahash per second (EH/s), Ethereum’s hashpower jumped to over 1 petahash per second (PH/s). A few mineable digital asset networks, however, saw their hashrates decline since their ATHs and the processing power behind these protocols hasn’t returned back to the highs captured long ago.

Even though some hashrates are on the rise, processing power from other crypto networks remains low.

At the time of writing, Bitcoin’s processing power is coasting along above the 200 exahash per second (EH/s) zone, after touching the ATH it captured on January 15. Six-month hashrate statistics indicate that on Sunday, January 16, 2022, BTC’s hashrate tapped a daily high of 216.50 EH/s.

Bitcoin, Ethereum, Monero Hashrates Tap Lifetime Highs — Dash, ETC, LTC Hashpower Lower Than Prior ATHs
Statistics on six-months hashrate on Bitcoin network January 17, 2022

F2pool (foundry USA), Antpool, and Antpool were respectively the three top-ranked mining pools as of Monday, January 17. Each pool has more than 15% or 29 EH/s global hashrate.

Bitcoin, Ethereum, Monero Hashrates Tap Lifetime Highs — Dash, ETC, LTC Hashpower Lower Than Prior ATHs
The Monero network’s all-time hashrate statistics as of January 17, 2022.

Six-month and all-time metrics also show that Monero’s network hashrate is coasting along at all-time high records as well, with about 3.49 gigahash per second (GH/s) at press time.

In close to four days’ time, Bitcoin’s network difficulty is expected to increase 6.24% which will bring the network difficulty to an all-time high. According to current data, the estimated difficulty of Bitcoin’s next epoch will rise to around 25.89 trillion.

Bitcoin, Ethereum, Monero Hashrates Tap Lifetime Highs — Dash, ETC, LTC Hashpower Lower Than Prior ATHs
Statistics on all-time hashrate for the Litecoin network as of January 17, 2022

Ethereum’s network hashrate is also managing to hold the 1 PH/s range after first tapping this goal in December 2021. has 295 terahash per seconds of hashrate and is the largest mining pool on Ethereum. It is 3.66%.

Bitcoin, Ethereum, Monero Hashrates Tap Lifetime Highs — Dash, ETC, LTC Hashpower Lower Than Prior ATHs
Statistics on all time hashrates on Dash network as of January 17, 2022

Monero and Ethereum have all seen record highs. However, networks like Litecoin, Monero, and Bitcoin haven’t seen any new hashrate ATHs. LTC’s network hashrate on Sunday is 368.96 TH/s, but during the first week of July 2019, LTC’s hashrate tapped an ATH at 468.50 TH/s.

Dash currently has a hashrate around 5.24 PH/s. However, it reached 7.14 PH/s in September 2020. In total, that’s a 26.61% decrease in the network’s hashpower in 16 months.

The Ethereum Classic network has an overall hashrate of 20.37 TH/s on January 17, which is lower than the network’s ATH in June 2021 at over 23 TH/s.

In this story, tags
Antpool, ASIC and ASIC miners. Bitcoin mining. Blockchains. Dash. ETC. ETH. Ethereum Classic. F2Pol. Foundry USA. Hashpower. Hashrate Stats. Hashrates. Network difficulty. networks. Nicehash. Pools. PoW. PoW Networks. Proof of Work. xmr. XMR Mining.

What do you think about Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Monero’s recent hashrate highs? Do you have any thoughts about the network that has not returned to their ATHs from months back? Please share your thoughts on this topic in the comment section.

Jamie Redman

Jamie Redman is the News Lead for News. He also lives in Florida and works as a journalist covering financial technology. Redman is an active participant in the cryptocurrency community from 2011. Since 2011, Redman has been an active member of the cryptocurrency community. Redman is a prolific writer for News, with over 5,000 articles on disruptive protocols.

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