Solana is a market leader in smart contracts enabled cryptocurrency. It has admitted that it faces a number of issues which are affecting the network’s performance. This incident was reported yesterday by both the official status account and the status page. Solana has been experiencing network problems for several months.
Solana facing Throughput Problems
Solana is a smart contract-enabled cryptocurrency that has officially acknowledged the performance problems in its network. These issues have affected the system’s throughput and caused it to lose certain transactions. It was published as issuedThe project’s Twitter account, Solana Status Twitter Account, informed the public of yesterday’s situation.
This account explains:
[The network is experiencing]Degraded performance as a result of high compute transactions increasing, which reduces network capacity to many thousand transactions per seconds. This causes increased transaction loading times and processing time, as well as some unsuccessful transactions.
This report was created on January 6, 2016, 16:11 UTC. The issue is still unsolved at the time this article was written. Also, it was reported that developers are currently working to resolve the issue.
There are many woes
It isn’t the first instance of this type of problem that the network has encountered. The first incident of this kind — that affected the block production of the Solana validators — happened on September 14, when the Solana blockchain slowed almost to a crawl due to a resource exhaustion problem, according to the Solana Status account
On December 4, the entire blockchain network experienced another issue. Engineers had to restart it in order to get it back up and running again. The entire network was shut down for 5 hours. No transactions nor blocks were issued.
Due to other projects that have also been released, the network has experienced congestion. launchThe stability of the Blockchain was affected by Solchicks, a project.
On January 4, there was another round. reportsInformation about Solana being subject to a DDoS attack through spam transactions. Anatoly Yakovenko who is co-founder and spokesperson for Solana has refuted these claims. stated that “there was some congestion due to mismetered transitions, and some users experienced their txs timing out and had to retry.”
But, in spite of all the problems, Solana’s December transactions surpassed those of rivals, with 45 billion transactions.
What do you think about Solana and the performance problems it’s been facing? Comment below.
Images CreditsShutterstock. Pixabay. Wiki Commons
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