Solana-based Walken Announces New Roadmap Features To Sustain Its Impressive Growth Statistics

Walken, Solana’s blockchain gaming platform announces a new roadmap with features to improve the user experience as well as the overall growth and success of the platform.

Walken, an online game where you earn by moving, released their latest roadmap. This is to help the company continue to grow, build momentum, and sustain its growth trajectory, according to a team statement. This new roadmap includes several features, including improved social interaction and partnerships that will increase the platform’s overall growth.

An announcement was made Monday about the latest developments on the platform. These will allow users to have a fun, sustainable, and more enjoyable platform that allows them to enjoy a healthy lifestyle as well as earn cryptocurrency.

“One of the main challenges of any gamified web3 project is to make it both fun and sustainable, especially a free2play one,” Walken Co-founder and CEO Alexei Kulevets said. “With Walken, we are proving the point that it’s possible. We are grateful to our amazing community and work hard to make it even better”.

The new roadmap includes seven key updates and developments that are notable. These include improved localization of the app, a plan for over 60,000,000 community-generated WLKN tokens that will be used to reinvest in the ecosystem and create value. A new game featuring CAThletes is also being developed (NFT figures).

Additionally, the new roadmap aims to build momentum and continue its sublime growth trajectory by introducing ‘The Walken Ambassador program’ to support local communities across the world and a dedicated referral program with associated bonuses. Walken is also working on new game modes like tournaments, new races and social interaction features (e.g. To improve collaboration within the community, Walken plans to create friend chats.

The Walken gaming app was launched in 2022. It connects real-world sports activities to online gaming, earning cryptocurrency and gaming. This app is rapidly growing and aims to help people gamify healthier lives by using blockchain technology. It also offers financial incentives through the WLKN tokens.

“Gamifying ways for people to become healthy and adding financial incentives to stick to those routines are one of the biggest industry opportunities in all of Web3,” the team statement reads.

Walken’s impressive growth will continue, thanks to these new developments. With the vision of the new roadmap and features perfectly aligned with the company’s goals, the platform could be on the way to becoming one of the largest gaming platforms across the Web 3 industry.

Walken shared statistics from its in-game economy that showed the incredible growth and expansion of the ecosystem over the past months, in addition to their new roadmap. After a quick start to the iOS app’s user growth, Walken became the biggest Walken app with more than 7,000 unique users per day, while iOS has over 1000 daily users.

The app also saw a peak of more than 20,000 daily users in July and August 2022. Additionally, there were over 1.11million users who have used it to date. Russia and Ukraine account for the majority of users, at 19.6%, 10.4% and respectively, while India and Vietnam are third and fourth, respectively with 7.34% and 5.13%, of daily users. As data collected from across the globe shows that people are eager to use Web3 to reap its benefits, it is possible for the number to rise past 2,000,000 by the end of Q4 2022.




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