Police are questioning Priyanka, a Nepalese actress/model and model who was photographed in promotion material for a crypto-scheme. “The investigation is still underway. We are trying to find out if the actress is involved in the crypto trading promotion or only her picture was used,” said the police.
Actress Priyanka Kiki is Interrogated in Relation to a Cryptocurrency Scheme
Nepalese actress and model Priyanka Karki has been questioned by Nepal’s Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) in connection with a cryptocurrency scheme.
Karki was taken into question by the CBI after she posted a Facebook photo with a cryptocurrency advertisement. On Sunday, the CBI granted her bail. Local media reported that police confiscated her phone and said they are still investigating.
CBI Deputy Inspector General (DIG) Dhiraj Pratap Singh explained, “The bureau began an investigation after seeing cryptocurrency promotional content with her picture,” adding:
Still, the investigation continues. The investigation is still ongoing. We want to know if she was involved in crypto trading promotions or if her photograph was taken.
“We will also probe if she has invested in the crypto market. For now, we have sent her home with family members,” he continued.
Karki explained to the media that she was inspired by some crypto apps that featured her, and that she had decided to visit the CBI. She stated:
After discovering that my images were being used in promotion content, I called the police to seek their assistance.
Scams involving cryptocurrencies that use images or names of celebrities without their permission are increasing. Last week, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) filed a lawsuit against Facebook owner Meta for “publishing scam advertisements featuring prominent Australian public figures.”
In Nepal, cryptocurrency trading has been banned and the government is stepping up its crackdown on it. The Nepal Telecommunications Authority (NTA), reportedly ordered that all sites and apps related cryptocurrency trading were shut down by the Nepalese Government last week.
Are you unsure if Priyanka Karaki and the cryptocurrency promotion is real? Comment below.
Images CreditsShutterstock. Pixabay. Wiki Commons
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