According to this job posting, Microstrategy, a mobile and cloud-based software company, is looking for a Lightning Network software engineer. If hired, the developer will create a Lightning Network-based software-as-a service platform (SaaS), for the company, so that it can be used in ecommerce and connected with other enterprises seeking payment solutions.
Microstrategy Wants to Hire Lightning Network Software Engineers
Microstrategy, a BI company published a job posting on smartrecruiters.com after it purchased 301 Bitcoin (BTC). Microstrategy’s job offer is for full-time employment as a Bitcoin Lightning Software Engineer and the chosen individual will be in charge of creating a Lightning Network (LN) SaaS platform.

“As a Bitcoin Lightning Software Engineer at Microstrategy, you will build a Lightning Network-based SaaS platform, providing enterprises with innovative solutions to cyber-security challenges and enabling new ecommerce use-cases,” Microstrategy executive Chen Wan explains.
The interested person must have a Bachelor’s degree in computer science or a related field and a “Master’s degree or Ph.D. in computer science/engineering is a plus,” Wan’s job summary details. Furthermore, the candidate should have a “strong knowledge of data structures, algorithms, operating systems, distributed systems, and other fundamental computer science concepts,” the job listing adds.
Lightning Network (L2) is an L2 scaling option for Bitcoin. It was launched in 2015 and has been used since then. As of the writing, the LN capacity is currently 4,905.29 BTC (or $95.2 million USD). Statistics from September 30 show that there are 17203 LN nodes currently and 84,928 payments channels. LN Tor Nodes number approximately 12,305, and LN Tor capacity is about 69.3%.
Microstrategy’s engineering job says that the chosen person will build software solutions leveraging the Bitcoin (BTC) blockchain and Lightning Network, as well as “other decentralized finance (defi) technologies.” Furthermore, contributing to the Bitcoin Core codebase and other types of open source cryptocurrency coding projects is “a plus.”
What do you think about Microstrategy’s job offer? Please comment below to let us know your thoughts on this topic.
Images CreditsShutterstock. Pixabay. Wiki Commons
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