Meta Still Struggling for Its Metaverse to Find Its Legs – Metaverse Bitcoin News

Meta, once known as Facebook is struggling to get its metaverse app Horizon Worlds found its target audience. A video showing full avatars was presented by the company. The presentation’s preparedness led to criticism. Similar to this, the company decreased the monthly goal of active users by 500K to 285K by the end.

No Real Feet Show. Meta states

Meta, the social media giant, has been having problems with Horizon Worlds, its metaverse app. The company showed a demonstration last week as part of the Connect keynote. It allegedly gave an initial look at the new visual presentation of avatars the platform will offer next year. This was made more realistic by the inclusion of legs linking to the floor, which makes the metaverse feel even more vivid.

The presentation left many confused. However, the company explained that this animation was made with motion capture and auxiliary technology to demonstrate what the app will look like in the future. Some fans were furious at the large amount of money that the company spent on this, despite not solving the leg problem.

Attractiveness to Users and Retention

Meta has not only been having trouble with legs when it comes to Horizon worlds. The Verge reported recently that Meta is having trouble attracting new users. The platform now has only 280K active monthly users, instead of its 500K goal. The company claims that it has over 10,000 worlds in its app structure. However, less than half of those worlds are currently being visited.

In the same way, most users don’t return after one month of visiting the platform, a metric that shows users are growing bored with what Horizon Worlds has to offer. But not only regular users are leaving the platforms; Meta’s employees are also on this boat.

Two memos issued by Meta’s VP of metaverse Vishal Shah in September enticing employees to be active and to “fall in love” with the platform, and hinting at the establishment of time quotas that employees should spend on Horizon Worlds for employees, show Meta’s issues.

Spokespersons from the company stated Meta’s metaverse plans are a “multiyear effort,” and that it is continually making improvements to the platform.

Let us know your thoughts on the metaverse pushing problems Meta faces. Leave a comment below.

Sergio Goschenko

Sergio is a Venezuelan cryptocurrency journalist. Sergio is a cryptocurrency journalist based in Venezuela. He says he was late to the party, having entered the cryptosphere during the December 2017 price increase. He is a Venezuelan computer engineer with a background in social engineering and has been impacted by cryptocurrency’s boom on a personal level.

Images includes Pixabay and Wiki Commons.

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