The Crypto Market Integrity Coalition (CMIC), which has 17 members, was launched last February. Eight additional members were added to the group. Bittrex and Merkle Science are new members of the coalition, as well as Crystal Blockchain, Bitgo, Merkle Science, Merkle Science and Crystal Blockchain.
To improve self-regulation, 8 crypto market firms have joined the Crypto Market Integrity Consortium
Seven months ago 17 cryptocurrency firms formed the Crypto Market Integrity Coalition. This group aims at promoting a regulated and reputable crypto market. CMIC’s original members were Circle, Anchorage Digital and Huobi Tech.
“Through the pledge, the coalition seeks to send an unequivocal message at this critical moment in the evolution of digital assets: The crypto industry has made enormous strides to improve market integrity in the past few years,” the CMIC launch announcement noted on February 7, 2022.
CMIC revealed that eight additional members joined the coalition on Thursday. CMIC has added Bittrex and VAF Compliance to its membership. Merkle Science is Merkle Science, Tokenomy. Crystal Blockchain. Finclusive. Oasis Pro Markets and Bitgo are also new members. Bitgo’s chief compliance officers (CCOs), spoke out about their participation in the CMIC initiative.
Michael Carter, the chief compliance officer at Bittrex said the crypto exchange looks forward to “working with fellow coalition members on collective educational efforts and sharing insights that will contribute to the industry’s continuing evolution.” Jeff Horowitz, Bitgo’s chief compliance officer detailed that Bitgo welcomes discussions with regulators and policymakers.
“We’re seeing increasing appetite on the part of institutional investors to actively participate in the growing digital asset economy, and regulatory clarity will address concerns that have stemmed from uncertainty,” Horowitz said on Thursday during the CMIC announcement. “We continue to welcome discussion with policymakers on how to encourage innovation while protecting investors and businesses,” the Bitgo
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