Last year, Bitcoin’s total network hashrate was around 160 exahash per second (EH/s), and 15 known mining pools dedicated hashrate to Bitcoin on Nov. 6, 2021. Foundry USA, the largest US mining pool at that point was fifth with an estimated 18.44 EH/s for the Bitcoin chain. During the last 12 months, Foundry has managed to increase the pool’s hashrate by more than 350% climbing to 84.34 EH/s on Nov. 6, 2022.
After 12 Months, Foundry USA’s Hashrate Muscles Its Way Into the Top Bitcoin Mining Pool Position
Foundry USA is a leading bitcoin mining pool and has proved to be an impressive force in the past twelve months. Foundry is a consulting, mining and staking firm located in Rochester, New York that owns and operates the mining pool Foundry USA. According to the press release, which announced the creation of the mining division on August 27, 2020, Digital Currency Group (DCG), Foundry USA was established in 2019.
Statistic from the website btc.com indicate that Foundry was first seen, at most according to archives.org snapshots. Cointelegraph’s Jan. 26 2021 report indicates that Foundry was among the top ten standings in mining pools. According to this report, Foundry had allocated 2.74 EH/s for the BTC chain. It also controlled 1.85% the total 147 EH/s.

The archived snapshot on Feb. 14, 2021, shows Foundry’s hashrate equated to 1.13% of the global aggregate or 1.78 EH/s. Foundry was the world’s 15th-largest mining pool during that three-day period. Foundry found five blocks out of the 444 blocks that were mined over a 3-day period. Foundry, which held fifth place in total havehrate at 11.51% and 18.44 EH/s respectively on November 6, 2021 was still the largest.

During a three-day span, Foundry’s pool discovered 51 BTC block rewards out of 443 rewards found. The pool has seen enormous growth during the last 12 months as Foundry’s hashrate has increased by 357.37% since then compared to stats recorded today. Records show on Nov. 6, 2022, Foundry’s hashrate is around 84.34 EH/s after it discovered 130 blocks out of 415 blocks mined in a three-day span. The three-day statistics indicate that Foundry’s percentage of hashrate out of the aggregate is roughly 31.33%.

Data from the year ending Oct. 15, 2021 shows that 52,258 BTC were mined over a 12-month period. According to archive.org, F2pool, which discovered 8187 out of 52,258 Bitcoin blocks, was the most popular mining pool. Foundry discovered 1,978 of 52K blocks, which is approximately 3.79% of total hashrate on October 15, 2021. According to year-long data, Nov. 6, 2022 shows that 53 495 blocks were mined over 12 months.

Foundry USA has captured 11,109 blocks in the last 12 months. This equates with 20.77% aggregate havehrate over a 12-month period. F2pool Binance Pool and Viabtc were the other top mining pools over the past twelve months. While Foundry’s block percentage has been huge this year, out of all-time statistics the pool’s number of blocks found equates to 1.77% or 13,462 blocks found out of the total 762,026 BTC blocks mined by Nov. 6, 2022, at 4:30 p.m. (ET).
According to all-time statistics, unknown miners or stealth miners have discovered the largest number of blocks, with 226055 blocks being found. F2pool has the highest number of BTC blocks discovered out of all the known mining pools. F2pool is the only one to have gotten 74,545 BTC blocks from 762K currently available. F2pool is closely followed by Antpool and Btc.com as well as Braiins Pool, formerly known under the name Slush pool, and the no longer-existent Btc Guild.
How do you feel about Foundry rising to the top in the list of the bitcoin mining pools that have the highest hashrate? Please comment below to let us know your thoughts on this topic.
Images CreditsShutterstock. Pixabay. Wiki Commons
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