Bitcoin of America Is Working to Solve the Gender Problem in the Cryptocurrency Industry – Sponsored Bitcoin News

When it comes to female participation, the crypto industry is plagued by a gender imbalance. Bitcoin of America (BOA), an important virtual currency exchange is trying to address this problem. BOA is very transparent about the female participation at conferences and expos as well as within their company. Bitcoin of America showed that women hold most of the top positions. All of their top positions are held by women, including the Chief Operating Officer, Operations Manager and Director, of Marketing, Director, Director, Agent Locations Director, and Director, Business Development.

Bitcoin of America sent an all-female delegation to Miami’s Bitcoin 2021 Miami for the largest Bitcoin conference. BOA’s female team is hoping to encourage other women to join the industry. Alice Gorodetsky (Director of Business Development) shared her views on the sector. Gorodetsky explained, “Male presence is huge in the technology sector and in the crypto space. I am excited to be part of an inclusive company like Bitcoin of America who encourages women to succeed in a male dominant industry.”

Bitcoin of America currently has a female workforce and is seeking to grow. The company is looking for women to be promoted in the crypto industry, and give them voice. Jenna Polinsky is the Director of Marketing and shared her experience working in a traditionally male-dominated industry. Polinsky mentioned, “I am lucky to be part of a team that values everyone’s opinions. My experience at Bitcoin of America was positive and I want to inspire other women.

Bitcoin of America has been registered as a money service business by the United States Department of Treasury (FinCEN). Bitcoin of America provides a variety of services, including Bitcoin ATMs and Bitcoin Tablets. BOA is a well-respected company that offers top-of the line customer service and fast transactions.



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