Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak Expects Bitcoin to Hit $100K — Says ‘I Just Really Feel It From All of the Interest’ – Featured Bitcoin News

Steve Wozniak, Apple’s cofounder and chief executive officer, expects bitcoin prices to reach $100,000. “I just really feel it from all of the interest,” he explained. “The interest in crypto is so high.”

Steve Wozniak’s Bitcoin Price Prediction

Steve Wozniak is the co-founder of Apple. He spoke about cryptocurrency on Wild Ride With Steve-O, which was published last week.

His bitcoin investing experience was the first thing he shared. “I bought a bunch of bitcoin at the start to say how do you play with this new thing? Is it possible to purchase something online. That was a challenge that I conquered. What are the best ways to buy goods in foreign countries? How would you pay for donuts in another country? Is there a way to locate an ATM with bitcoin that will accept your bitcoin? I want to experiment and learn it all,” the Apple co-founder described, adding:

Then bitcoin went up. So, now I’m scared. I sell my entire bitcoin stock except for the one I have.

Wozniak explained that his purpose is “to have enough to play with, experiment with, but not make money on.” However, “two times it’s gone way up and made money,” he noted.

Apple founder Steve Jobs made an prediction about bitcoin’s price.

Recently, I believe bitcoin will reach $100,000.

He explained: “I just don’t know where you get that feeling. I can’t put any mathematics to it. It’s just something I feel from the high interest. The interest in crypto is so high.”

Wozniak further revealed that he recently “put a bunch of money” into an online wallet at the Nasdaq-listed crypto exchange Coinbase. “Pretty much, it’s sitting right where it was right now. [It] went way up, it doubled, and then it halved again,” he shared.

While the Apple co-founder has some money in bitcoin, he explained that he’s not an investor.

“I don’t invest,” he said. “I’ve never invested in stocks in my life. I’ve never used Apple Stock on the iPhone. Ever. It’s because why not? It goes to my happiness formula.” He opined:

I found that my head gets to a peaceful spot where it’s not worrying about everything being up and down, up and down, up and down like day traders.

Wozniak is known for saying many positive things about Bitcoin in the past. Last week, he said Bitcoin is the only cryptocurrency that is “pure gold mathematics.” In July last year, he said Bitcoin is a “mathematical miracle.”

What do you think about Steve Wozniak’s prediction? Comment below to let us know your opinion.

Kevin Helms

Kevin, a student of Austrian Economics and a Bitcoin evangelist since 2011, was one of the first to discover Bitcoin. His main interests are in Bitcoin security, open source systems, network effects, cryptography, and intersections between economics, cryptography, and Cryptography.

Images CreditsShutterstock. Pixabay. Wiki Commons

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