Anonymous Affiliate Hacks State-Run Russian Broadcaster – Bitcoin News

NB65, a hacking group affiliated with the Anonymous collective, has allegedly breached the servers of the Russian government-controlled television and radio broadcasting company. Social media claims that hackers have a plan to leak hundreds of gigabytes worth of stolen data.

Russia’s Radio and TV Broadcaster Targeted by Anonymous

According to reports, the All-Russia State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company has been hacked. This is reportedly done by NB65. Anonymous, an international hacktivist group, was responsible for declaring cyberwar against Russia after its invasion in Ukraine.

Anonymous TV (@YourAnonTV), which is associated with the decentralized movement on Twitter, reported the latest news this week via microblogging. It stated that hackers will publish nearly 900GB of data leaked online.

VGTRK, also referred to as Russian Television and Radio, is Russia’s largest media corporation which manages dozens of national and regional TV and radio stations as well as online outlets in Russian and other languages.

Under the company’s umbrella are the national television channels “Rossiya 1” and “Rossiya K,” the country’s first 24/7 news channel “Rossiya 24,” the sports and entertainment “Rossiya 2,” and the international service “RTR Planeta.”

After the Russian military forces crossed the Ukrainian border in late February, Anonymous vowed to disrupt Russia’s internet space. After the Russian military forces crossed the Ukrainian border in February, Anonymous threatened to disrupt Russia’s internet space.

The group also threatened to hack Russian state-run TV channels in order “to broadcast the truth about what happens in Ukraine.” The government-funded international network Russia Today (RT) admitted it had suffered a massive DDoS attack.

Anonymous claims it hacked Russia’s Central Bank of Russia last week. Although the monetary authority denied the claim, the collective later released 28GB of data, allegedly belonging to the regulator, which contains many documents, including hundreds of audit reports, “secret agreements,” and information revealing bank ownership.

The hackers are also targeting websites of foreign businesses that remain in operation in the Russian Federation, despite increasing Western sanctions. These hackers have issued calls to these companies for them to flee the country.

This story contains tags
affiliate, Anonymous, Breach, broadcaster, Channels, Hack, Hackers, hacking group, hacktivist collective, invasion, NB65, radio, Rossiya 1, Rossiya 24, Rossiya K, russian, Sanctions, stations, Television, Ukraine, VGTRK, War

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Lubomir Tatsev

Lubomir Tassev is a journalist from tech-savvy Eastern Europe who likes Hitchens’s quote: “Being a writer is what I am, rather than what I do.” Besides crypto, blockchain and fintech, international politics and economics are two other sources of inspiration.

Image creditShutterstock. Pixabay. Wiki Commons

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