The campaign was launched by an American advertising agency and non-governmental organisation. It aims to fund jailed Egyptian women with the sales of non-fungible tokens. Funds raised have already been used to repay their debts and allow the women in prison to escape jail.
Raise funds to set prisoners free
Horizon FCB (a UAE-based agency for advertising) has launched an NFT campaign to raise money to release Egyptian women who were imprisoned because they failed to repay their debts. Horizon FCB partnered with Children of Female Prisoners Association in this campaign.
Unlock Media released a report stating that the jailed women couldn’t pay relatively low loans to cover medical bills, family emergencies and other necessities. So they were sent to prison. The advertising agency’s general manager, Reham Mufleh, explained the rationale behind Horizon FCB’s decision to help. Mufleh said:
Breakchains With Blockchain is a new humane initiative that we launched. It was inspired by prisoners’ imprisonments and created with NFTs (non-governmental organizations) around the globe. Each is designed to tell a woman’s story, the story of why she was sentenced. Every NFT price is determined by the cost of releasing them from prison and giving them a chance at a new life.
According to the report, over 10,000 Egyptian women go to prison each year. According to the report, their only offense is not repaying loans. Horizon FCB Mazen Jawad CEO says the heartbreaking stories about the women in jail and their families is what inspired the agency to create the campaign.
Horizon FCB and CFPA, a partner of CFPA, are raising money and also using NFTs as a way to spread awareness of the plight and families of women in jail. Three mothers from Egypt were reunited with families on March 21st, when the campaign launched. Their debts had been paid by funds obtained through the sale of NFTs.
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