Executive Leaves Goldman Sachs for Coinbase — Says It’s Time to Embrace Crypto, Create Economic Freedom – Featured Bitcoin News

After 16 years as an executive at Goldman Sachs, a Coinbase employee has joined the team. “It’s time to embrace the crypto economy,” he said, adding that the change is a “once in a lifetime opportunity to be part of building the next stage of the digital evolution.”

From Goldman Sachs and Coinbase

Roger Bartlett will be leaving Goldman Sachs, a global investment bank, to become a Coinbase crypto-exchanger. For one year, he served as the Global Markets Global Co-head and managing director at Goldman Sachs. He was also the global head for operations at Equities for nearly five years. He was previously vice president of Credit Suisse, where he served for six years.

Bartlett made the announcement on Linkedin Friday

After 16 years at Goldman Sachs, it’s time to embrace the crypto economy. I am delighted to announce that next week I’ll be joining Coinbase to run Global Financial Operations.

He explained that now it is time to take his experience from Goldman Sachs and follow his “passion to help enable the next generation crypto economy.”

The former Goldman Sachs executive opined: “The inspiring purpose led mission to create economic freedom in the world, in a customer first, automation first approach is a once in a lifetime opportunity to be part of building the next stage of the digital evolution.”

Coinbase, a Nasdaq listed cryptocurrency exchange operator is available. On Friday, the company announced that its verified users had risen to 89 millions. During the same time, 11.4 million monthly users transacted on the platform.

Furthermore, Coinbase said its trading volume last year grew more than 8.5 times compared to the previous year, and its “market share of trading volume increased in virtually all assets.”

How do you feel about Goldman Sachs’ executive quitting to join Coinbase after 16 years? Comment below.

Kevin Helms

Kevin, a student of Austrian Economics and evangelist since 2011, discovered Bitcoin. He is interested in Bitcoin security and open-source software, network effects, and the intersection of cryptography and economics.

Images CreditsShutterstock. Pixabay. Wiki Commons

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