Sandy Sanders, Career Chic®: Tips on How To Stop Struggling With Your Sales

Every entrepreneur aims to grow their business and make more profit in the long term. That is why they are developing strategies that are intended to boost their revenue. When talking about business growth, sales is the most significant component. Then and now, sales remain vital to business survival.

Women entrepreneurs know their expertise and value creativity, however, the challenge lies in selling. Consultant and Coach Sandy Sanders, Founder of Career Chic® and Creator of The Magick Leap Blueprint, has observed that women tend to close fewer sales than men, which is a result of a myriad of factors including the lack of skills in persuasion and not knowing effective sales strategies. 

According to her, an effective way to address this problem is by knowing the magnetic distinction sales process, which is a servant selling consultative approach that gets people longing to buy from you versus you just selling to them. The goal here is to uncover what is important to your client and provide a solution that aligns with what they want, need, and desire. This is her exact blueprint that will make you a super closer even if you have no sales experience or hate selling.

People, Pain, and Pleasure

Sanders said that the foundation of her magnetic distinction sales process revolves around people, pain, and pleasure. People refer to prospective customers, hence, it is essential to intimately know about the people who will most likely buy your products and services.

Pain stands for the pain points of the prospective customers. In marketing, pain points are the specific problems that ideal clients are experiencing. Meanwhile, pleasure is all about the desired state of the prospective customers, which is the outcome they achieve after they use a product or avail a service.

Her blueprint is derived from the psychological principles of selling. Under the psychology of selling, people buy either because of the desire to gain or the fear of loss. In other words, they purchase either to move away from a point of pain or move closer to a place of pleasure. But people are more likely to buy because of the fear of missing out (FOMO) than the reward of gain. Sanders explains, “FOMO is twice as powerful a motivator as the power of gaining.”

What Motivates People to Buy

Sanders emphasized that five things motivate people to buy and it is essential that you offer at least one of them. The first thing is money, whether it’s gaining more money or saving money. Then, there is time, whether they can gain more time back or save time. The third is comfort or status, moving from a place of pain to a place of solace. When people are comfortable in their current state of being, it could be prestigious. Fourth is health and fitness. And lastly, there is love and relationships.

The Five-Step Process

  1. Diagnosing the pain points to understand the problem

You need to connect with their prospective customers and identify their pain points. In other words, like a medical doctor, you must diagnose them to understand the problem. Prospective clients have some pain points which an entrepreneur needs to figure out. Similar to a doctor, you can look at the symptoms like concrete facts and explore your client’s feelings, concerns, and thoughts. Ask them about their experiences and the remedies that they have tried in the past. 

  1. Identifying their desire

The second step is discovering their ultimate desire. It is essential to learn this because by doing so, you’ll know how to cater to their needs and be able to assess how you can probe them in availing of your product or service.

  1. Reassuring and sharing

It is important to make a connection and build trust with your clients. Sanders stated “By sharing your expertise, your story, your mission, your vision, your pain points, and how you overcame them, you build authenticity, share your vulnerability, and in turn can resonate with them. This results in a higher probability for them to trust you and buy from you.”

  1. Presenting the solution

After finding out their problem and desired pleasure, you can now present a plan to bridge the gap. Sanders said that women entrepreneurs should be clear with their promised outcome and the value that they can deliver with the solution that they present to the client.

  1. Closing the sale

Lastly, discuss the succeeding steps, which can lead to closing the sale. You have to ask for the sale using one of four proven closing techniques: an assumptive close, a summary close, a scarcity close, or a takeaway close. Assumptive closes involve using a language that presumes that it is already a done deal.  Summary closes involve summarizing the value and benefits that the client can get from the product or service. Scarcity closes involve increasing the urgency by indicating that there is a special promotion with a limited-time offer. Takeaway closes suggests to a client to forgo some features of the product or service. 


Sanders assures us that by following these steps, you can convert conversations by turning browsers into buyers. “Servant selling delivers greater impact and yields success. Therefore, when you sell more services, you serve more people.” 

If you are struggling with closing your clients, you may benefit from Sandy’s Magick Leap Blueprint.  If you’d like more details on how to work with her, feel free to visit


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