Michelle Bachelet (UN human rights chief), stated Saturday that potential extradition Julian Assange of whistleblower raised concerns about future investigative journalists and whistleblowers. Assange continues to be supported by cryptocurrency enthusiasts. Wikileaks is now worth hundreds of thousands in crypto assets. Assange, who has been kept captive in London since 2019, has continued to receive donations from them.
UN Human Rights Chief Says the United States Attempt to Extradite Assange ‘Raises Concerns Relating to Media Freedom’
United States wanted Julian Assange to be extradited for leaking classified information from Chelsea Manning (U.S. Army Intelligence Analyst). When Wikileaks published the video “Collateral Murder,” the Afghanistan war logs, the Iraq war logs, and Cablegate, the U.S. government launched a full-scale criminal investigation against Assange. Assange was indicted by federal authorities. The complaints were based on Manning’s leaks. Assange faces charges of violating 1917’s Espionage Act.
Assange is one of many who are being charged with Espionage Act violations. Others include Emma Goldman and Daniel Ellsberg as well as Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden, Daniel Ellsberg, Daniel Ellsberg and Daniel Ellsberg. Assange, who was granted asylum in Ecuador by Ecuador in 2012 was then dragged from the Ecuadorian embassies in London. Since that time, he has been resisting extradition to America. This week, Michelle Bachelet, the UN’s human rights chief, has voiced concerns over extraditing Assange to the United States.
While meeting with Assange’s wife and attorneys, Bachelet said:
There are concerns about Mr. Assange’s possible extradition and trial.
One of Assange’s lawyers, Jennifer Robinson, told the press that the case will be forwarded to the European Court of Human Rights. Assange’s lawyers contest that the Wikileaks founder is being “prosecuted and punished for his political opinions.” Following Bachelet’s initial comments, the UN human rights chief said her office will be monitoring the whistleblower’s case.
“In these circumstances, I would like to emphasize the importance of ensuring respect [for] Mr. Assange’s human rights, in particular the right to a fair trial and due process guarantees in this case,” Bachelet told the press. “My office will continue to closely follow Assange’s case.”
Wikileaks Raised Hundreds of Thousand in Bitcoin, Ethereum, And Bitcoin Cash
Since 2010, Wikileaks supports cryptocurrencies, and has accepted Bitcoin donations. After Assange’s arrest at the Ecuadorian embassy in London, cryptocurrency donations started to pour in and they have continued to this very day. In the past four months alone, Wikileaks has raised 3.480 BTC worth $133,179 using today’s bitcoin exchange rates. In the recent years, Wikileaks has seen its BTC change frequently.
Wikileaks also collected around 228.16 BCH in 24 months. This is close to $100K. Over the last four years, Wikileaks has collected 147.48 ETH worth $145,647 using today’s ether exchange rates. The USD value of donated BTC and BCH was much more than it is today, so a significant amount of the ETH, BCH and BTC donations was cashable at higher USD rates. Wikileaks accepts donations of litecoin, zcash and monero.
How do you feel about UN Human Rights Chief saying the U.S. Extraditing Assange might be chilling for media freedom and whistleblowers? We’d love to hear your views on the subject.
Images CreditsShutterstock. Pixabay. Wiki Commons. Credit: London, Britain. October 21st, 2019. REUTERS/Hannah McKay
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