Talecraft, a PvP Play-to-Earn Cardboard Game, Soon Launches on Roco’s RocoStarter IGO platform

Cryptography is evolving. Play-to-earn is a popular method for crypto enthusiasts to get exposure and attract new investors. You can play in a metaverse, earn rewards and get paid for your time. This is the game industry model. Many opportunities are available. Rocostarter’s new metaverse cardboard game Talecraft seeks to fill the space vacant for metaverse-minded crypto investors. Roco started to have success after their partnership with Rise Online.

Talecraft, a PvP play-to-earn cardboard game, launches on the Avalanche network soon through Roco’s RocoStarter IGO platform. RocoStarter is a platform that allows partner companies to connect with players and offers the possibility to invest. Companies can reach potential players, and technical support is also provided. RocoStarter is also a contributor to the token economy by helping investors trade safely after projects have been incubated and grown.

RocoStarter, a community-backed platform for startups based on decentralization and hosted on Avalanche’s network, is hosted on Avalanche. RocoStarter is a platform that aims to ensure fair functioning for investors looking to invest early. It also offers priority participation for Venture Capital and other similar groups. It should provide equal access to crypto-projects in the initial stages, which are often very difficult to access.

RocoStarter is not just aiming to do the previous mentioned. The platform can also provide Initial Dex Offerings by holding $ROCO tokens. RocoStarter can help with marketing, design, development and other problems such as lack of consulting. Potential partners can also use DAO services to help them create an account for the platform.

To join RocoStarter’s IGOs, you must first complete KYC. Then use Roco tokens for stakes in starter pools. After that, users can stake the specified minimum amount of Roco tokens required, go to the IGO’s page, and vote for participating upcoming IGOs. If users are eligible to participate, they can then join the IGO once live by clicking the “Join IGO” button and swap their $AVAX to buy the new project’s token. The new token will automatically be sent to the user’s wallet once it has been swapped.

Talecraft features a novel minting and crafting mechanic. This allows players to gain more power by using NFT alchemy. Weekly sales of Elemental base cards allow ardent players to take part in the medieval metaverse. NFT holders receive $AVAX yield generated by the game’s ecosystem. In order to be eligible for Talecraft participation, you will have to stake 400 $ROCO tokens. You can also vote to join Talecraft IGO. To purchase $CRAFT tokens. Talecraft stakes will open on November 19th. This project will release with 30 million CRAFT and 3.75million CRAFT available for the public. The token price is.28 USD, which works out to one million and fifty thousand US dollars.

Although the crypto market can be difficult to comprehend, it is possible. But with Roco’s Talecraft one can use their time put in the medieval metaverse created to increase their holdings, on a platform striving for transparency and equal opportunity for players. Talecraft will reward you for all your work, and allow you to obtain new exciting cards by alchemy. The play-to earn option is appealing to many crypto investors. Talecraft is launching soon and it is worth watching.


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