Musk on Crypto Twitter’s ‘Most Annoying Problem,’ Bored Ape NFTs, Mt Gox Bitcoins, and More — News Week in Review – The Weekly Bitcoin News

Another week has passed in the action-packed world of crypto, so it’s time to kick back, take stock of the situation, and enjoy this week’s bite-sized digest of the hottest crypto news from the past seven days. On the menu this go-round is Tesla CEO Elon Musk talking about Twitter’s ‘single most annoying problem,’ a deep dive into the world of Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT gains, a pile of bitcoins connected to Mt Gox still shrouded in mystery, and tax developments in Indonesia. This is the News Week in Review.

Elon Musk Promises to Make 'Significant Improvements' to Twitter — Calls Crypto Spam Bots 'Single Most Annoying Problem'

Elon Musk Promises to Make ‘Significant Improvements’ to Twitter — Calls Crypto Spam Bots ‘Single Most Annoying Problem’

Tesla and Spacex CEO Elon Musk has joined Twitter’s board of directors and promised to “make significant improvements” to the social media platform. Some changes he is considering include adding an edit button and solving the crypto spam bot problem, which he sees as the “single most annoying problem on Twitter.”

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An In-Depth Look at the 5 Most Profitable Bored Ape NFT Traders of All Time

A deep dive into the five most profitable bored ape NFT traders of all time

The popularity of non-fungible tokens has increased over the past two years. In recent times, NFTs made from specific collections have sold for thousands to even millions of dollars. Bored Ape Yacht Club NFTs saw $257 Million in sales over the last 30 Days. While people still question the value of NFTs, it’s also interesting to see who is purchasing the most expensive NFTs like Bored Apes and trading them regularly. Below is a comprehensive look at the five most profitable BAYC traders and how much they’ve made in profit.

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Bitcoin Cold Case: A Tale of the Dormant Wallet with Close to 80,000 BTC from Mt Gox

A mysterious bitcoin wallet linked to the Mt Gox scam has been sitting dormant for the past 11 years. It holds close to $3.7 billion worth of bitcoin today. While the wallet was once the sixth-largest address a few years ago, today it’s the ninth-largest wallet in terms of bitcoin held, and the funds have never been spent since the first deposit on March 1, 2011.

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Indonesian Government Sets Crypto Tax at 0.1% to Be Levied Starting May

The Indonesian government has set a crypto tax at 0.1%. It will be levied starting in May

Starting in May, Indonesia will tax crypto-investment capital gains at 0.1%. Crypto purchases will also be subject to the value-added tax of 0.1%.

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