All CoinStats customers, particularly those that trade through CoinStats often, have great news. A few recently released updates to the web offer an easier user experience that will enable our crypto community grow faster and make their portfolios more profitable.
Let’s take a tour through all the advantages of swapping via CoinStats:
- Trade with us securely zeroExtra fees Swapping on MetaMask, for example, will set you back 0.875%.
- You can now both do your crypto research and swap from one page. Look at this added feature:
It’s that easy
- Choose the wallet that you wish to exchange (Coinbase or MetaMask).Add the coins to your wallet, along with any additional settings such as slippage, gas, etc.
- You can also click Submit SwapAnd then wait for the trades to start.
- You’ll enjoy a new and enhanced user experience throughout.
These updates, which include the enhancement of the header menu feature, have made the trading experience much more enjoyable. You can now trade on your desktop computer by:
- You can click the square right next to the Blog button under the heading menu.
- The Swap Click the button below Widgets.
- Choose the coins that you wish to exchange and pick up your wallet.
- Slippage and gas setting adjustments
- Clicking Submit Swap.
Updates have also been made to the coin pages. Now, as you’re doing research on projects and cryptocurrencies you’re interested in, you can switch to trading view with just a click. You can also check the coin’s fully diluted market cap, the total value of the crypto at today’s price if the entire future supply were in circulation. We’re working to provide you all the info you need to make better investment decisions.
You can try these new features and learn how to navigate the customer-centric design. Just sign up or login, connect a wallet if you haven’t already, and dive into a new coin with a groundbreaking idea behind it. You will enjoy a thrilling journey through the DeFi world, as well as a multitude of new updates and all of this right from one place.