Tracker Shows Close to 3,000 Crypto ATMs Were Installed in 2022’s First Quarter – Bitcoin News

During the last 12 months, there’s been an exponential number of cryptocurrency automated teller machines (ATMs) installed as data shows that 20,000 crypto ATMs were installed last year. The number of machines being installed this year is still high. Since December 30, 2,759 more machines have been added to the 36,659 global crypto ATMs.

Increase in Crypto ATM Installments of More Than 8 % Since December 30,

Today, according to the crypto ATM tracker, there’s approximately 36,659 crypto ATMs hosted in 76 different countries. The number of crypto ATMs has increased significantly throughout the years. 2021 was the most recent year with an increase in the number of machines by more than 20,000.

Tracker Shows Close to 3,000 Crypto ATMs Were Installed in 2022's First Quarter
Statistics based on the crypto ATM tracker, April 2, 2022

Data from shows there are 36.659 cryptocurrency ATMs in operation as of the end of quarter one 2022. News announced that there had been 33,900 cryptocurrency ATMs installed over the previous 93 days.

That’s an 8.13% increase since December 30, and currently, there are 612 operators managing the 36,659 machines. Bitcoin Depot and Coin Cloud are operators. Coinflip is another. There are also 43 producers of crypto ATMs with brands like Genesiscoin and General Bytes as well as Coinsource, Coinsource, Bitstop and Coinsource.

The Operator Bitcoin Depot and the Manufacturer Genesis Coin are the leaders in terms of crypto ATM activity.

Bitcoin Depot, which has 7,001 crypto ATMs worldwide is the largest operator. Coin Cloud has the second largest operator, with 5,198 active crypto ATMs. Bitcoin Depot holds 19.1% of all 36,659 installed machines, but Coin Cloud holds 14.2%.

Tracker Shows Close to 3,000 Crypto ATMs Were Installed in 2022's First Quarter
Statistics based on the crypto ATM tracker, April 2, 2022 shows you a map that displays the locations of all crypto ATMs and which crypto assets the machines can support. Crypto ATMs can support Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Dash, Monero, Zcash, Dogecoin and XRP.

Crypto ATM Tracker also indicates that the majority of machines can be found in America, which hosts 32,623 ATMs. Canada has 2,439 crypto ATM locations, making it the country with most. Spain (25) and Canada (204), El Salvador (204), Poland (188) and Switzerland (17) are the next countries.

Tracker Shows Close to 3,000 Crypto ATMs Were Installed in 2022's First Quarter
Statistics based on the crypto ATM tracker, April 2, 2022

As far as crypto ATM installations by manufacturer, Genesis Coin commands 41.6% of the world’s share of crypto ATMs installed. General Bytes, which has 21.4% global share of crypto ATM installation installations, is second. Genesis Coin and General Bytes are followed by Bitaccess (15.2%), Coinsource (5.3%), Bitstop (4.6%), Bytefederal (3.7%), and “other” manufacturers (8.2%).

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How do you feel about crypto ATMs around the world and their rise in the first quarter of this year? Comment below to let us know your views on the subject.

Jamie Redman

Jamie Redman, a Florida-based financial journalist and news lead at News is Jamie Redman. Redman joined the cryptocurrency community in 2011 and has been an active member ever since. Redman is passionate about Bitcoin and open-source codes. Redman is a prolific writer for News, with over 5,000 articles on disruptive protocols.

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