3 Tips for Young People For Preventing Health Issues Later In Life

Even though your older years may seem far off in the distance, the truth is that 40, and even 50 will arrive sooner than you think. Aches and pains will start to emerge in places you didn’t even know existed. Your eyes will start to give way, and you may find yourself Googling symptoms you never imagined could happen to you!

And while certain aspects of aging are inevitable, there are proactive measures we can take today that can set the tone for tomorrow. In other words, if you can make healthy choices in your younger years, you’ll decrease your chances of certain health issues later on.

By practicing healthy habits now, you can make positive changes like maintaining your weight, increasing your energy, and lowering your risk of bone issues. Here are some of the best habits you can practice in your younger years to prevent health issues later in life.

Take it Easy on Your Back

Your back is one of the most fragile parts of your body. Unfortunately, in many people’s cases,  a lot of the damage occurs in your younger years. When you go to school every day with a backpack full of 50 pounds of books or gain 50 pounds from your pregnancy, it takes a toll on your spine.

Treat your back with tender loving care from an early age. That means lifting with your knees, sleeping on a high-quality mattress, and maintaining a healthy weight. All of these small efforts added up in your younger years will significantly decrease your chances of back trouble as you age.

Stay Active

Staying active is not only important for maintaining a healthy weight but it’s also linked to improved mental health and even reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases. Being active doesn’t necessarily mean you have to go to the gym or break a sweat, either. Staying active is all about being on your feet for a good portion of the day.

Even a moderately paced walk can make a world of difference in your overall physical well-being.  Aim for at least 20 minutes of moderate physical exercise a day, and if you can, at least an hour of higher-intensity exercise per week.

The more consistent you can be with your exercise routine and your younger years, the more it will remain a part of your daily routine in your older years. In other words, being a couch potato your entire life, then suddenly introducing exercise into your return when you’re older can be much more challenging.

Go to the Doctor

There’s something foreboding about the doctor that causes people to avoid going at all costs. And while it’s true that it’s hardly any fun having someone prod at you or hand you an astronomical bill at the end of your visit, preventative care is one of the most important aspects of staying healthy.

Prevention is key when it comes to avoiding health issues, so attending regular checkups with your doctor can catch these problems early on. Routine appointments are a critical part of keeping your health in check, from your blood pressure to your hearing to your cholesterol levels.  Don’t avoid the doctor!