It reached an all-time high of 2.8 billion USD in November 2021. Apple’s Market cap or greater than Microsoft’sIt sent a clear message that Crypto is here and will stay. Despite this massive achievement, there has been significant push-back from institutions and banks around the world clinging tightly to their old notions of what defines “money”.
These regulators want to achieve a balanced approach between decentralized and centralized finance (DeFi). Numerous countries have accepted cryptocurrency as legal tender. Other countries have also implemented, or started to implement, their Central Bank Digital Currencies. This is an encouraging step, but the infrastructure required to connect with both the centralized CBDCs as well as the DeFi cryptocurrency is lacking. Companies and businesses are prevented from adopting cryptocurrencies in a practical way.
Companies need a simpler way to adopt cryptocurrency from an economic perspective. Current DeFi products aren’t designed for large businesses. Individuals and companies alike have to learn crypto. Until these differences can be reconciled, crypto will struggle to break through that “ceiling” and attain wide-scale adoption.
Blockchain startup looking to help breakthrough
Parrotly Finance Inc‘s mission is to fill that void and bridge the gaps that currently exist between decentralized crypto usage and the centralization needed for large businesses and corporations. The team also aims to make it easier for the general public to participate in the growing crypto market. Accept the changes.
Parrotly Finance sees a future where individuals and businesses don’t have to decide between DeFi and centralization. Instead, they can choose a combination of both. This will allow them to move towards a financial future that is more efficient and less costly. CombinationThe benefits of DeFi and centralization
This product will be one of the first in the pipeline to help us realize our vision. Flock Wallet. The Flock Wallet is unique in that it is an exclusive cryptocurrency wallet. Flock Wallet combines benefits of traditional bank accounts with innovative DeFi wallets. This allows large companies and other organizations to have the flexibility of a bank account.
- Multi-users
- UX/UI Modernization
- Multi-level authorization/permissions tiers
- Accounting tools
- More
In Q4 2022, a beta of individual core wallet functions will be available. The Flock Wallet will continue to roll out incremental upgrades that add additional functionality to its Flock Wallet. Businesses and individuals can enjoy a truly unique product.
Parrotly Finance Inc has already begun phase 1 of their development, releasing an NFT series that provides their members exclusive real-world benefits and discounts with Parrotly Finance’s partners to test pilot alternative utility cases for NFTs. Parrotly Finance plans to launch a DeFi token, called PBIRB. This token will serve as the native currency used in Parrotly Finance’s products and services.
PBIRB (deflationary cryptocurrency) burns 2.2% of each sell transaction to maintain its supply. $1BIRB presale begins on April 16th. It will end April 19th. After that, the remaining supply of $PBIRB will be paired onto the polygon network Matic. The liquidity pool tokens and all other supplies will also be burnedt. This will ensure that there will never be any liquidity removed. The PBIRB token has been audited before and after it was deployed. Parrotly.Finance has more information about the token.
Parrotly Finance Inc has identified a need both in the central and decentralized areas and is working hard to fill that gap with simple-to-understand and user-friendly products and services.