During the last week, mainstream media outlets have been publishing reports that say “Bitcoin’s creator Satoshi Nakamoto could be unmasked at [a] Florida trial.” Alongside this, the name “Satoshi Nakamoto” has been trending in people’s discussions on social media for the last few days as well.
The Internet Is Buzzing Over Conversations Concerning Bitcoin’s Mysterious Creator
The long-awaited Kleiman V. Wright trial began in Florida last week. It has attracted significant attention from major media outlets like Fox News and the Daily Mail. Twitter’s vertical trend also indicate that the name “Satoshi Nakamoto” has been in the midst of many conversations this week. Since October 2, interest in Bitcoin’s creator has increased 48.71%, according to Google Trends’ search query score for the topic “Satoshi Nakamoto.”

In a handful of editorials, the aforementioned media outlets suggested that Satoshi Nakamoto’s identity could be revealed by the Florida trial. The Kleiman family and Ira Kleiman, the brother of the now deceased, computer forensics expert, Dave Kleiman, believe their Dave’s fortune was manipulated. The Kleiman estate accuses Craig Wright of perpetrating “a scheme against Dave’s estate to seize Dave’s bitcoins and his rights to certain intellectual property associated with the Bitcoin technology.”
Speaking with the Wall Street Journal’s (WSJ) Paul Vigna, the Kleiman’s family attorney Vel Freedman explained the plaintiffs think they have a strong case against the self-proclaimed Bitcoin inventor, Craig Wright. “We believe the evidence will show there was a partnership to create and mine over one million bitcoin,” Freedman told Vigna.

Skeptics denounce Media Reports that Talk About a “So-Called Unmasking”
The WSJ reporter follows up shared the story on Twitter, Vigna was berated for giving Wright’s story publicity. Wizsec Bitcoin Research, a group of researchers that have criticized Wright’s story on various occasions in the past, called Vigna’s WSJ editorial “irresponsible.”
“The way you air their claims while willfully leaving out or downplaying the proven lies, forgery and fraud is beyond irresponsible,” Wizsec saidVigna via Twitter. “You are knowingly introducing your readers to a scam without properly warning them that it’s a scam. Any future victims among them are on you.” Another person wrote to Vigna and asked:
Is there any truth-checking now?

Wright’s Backers Believe the High-Profile Court Case Will Settle Matters
Meanwhile, Wright’s believers and bitcoinsv (BSV) proponents wholeheartedly believe this case will settle matters once and for all. One ardent follower wrote: “Dr. Craig Wright is Satoshi Nakamoto — BSV is the Real Bitcoin.”

Calvin Ayre, a gambling billionaire and tycoon, died on November 15. tweeted that the news is getting out about the Florida trial, and shared an editorial written by Fox News called: “Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto could be unmasked at Florida trial.”
“Message of the Satoshi trial is leaking out and there will be a big audience for the full history of Bitcoin being rolled out now under oath in Florida,” Ayre wrote on Monday.
Wright Continues to Argue Under Oath That He Alone Invented Bitcoin — Wright’s Detractors Still Don’t Believe Him
The case so far has shown some interesting facts. Court officials and lawyers were told Wright suffers from autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The Kleiman side tried to block this from being admitted, but the jury decided that it would be considered. Wright insists that Bitcoin was invented by Wright on his own. Dave Kleiman, however, wasn’t a partner in the invention of the technology.

Furthermore, the artist known as “@Fractalencrypt” has transcribed Wright’s statements on day seven of the trial. Fractalencrypt’s long Twitter threadThe popular start was at the sixth day. According to Fractalencrypt’s transcription, in the face of many documents, Wright continued to contest throughout the trial that Kleiman was a friend, but not the co-creator of Bitcoin.
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