US Still Dominates Bitcoin Mining Sector, 30-Day Stats Show Foundry USA Takes Top Pool Position – Mining Bitcoin News

The United States continues to be the world’s largest hashpower producer, despite the CBECI project updating its mining map in July. Data shows Foundry USA is the number one pool with 755 Bitcoin block rewards, which was achieved in the past 30 days.

United States Has a High Concentration of Bitcoin Miners.

According to’s mining map, there is a large concentration of the Bitcoin network’s hashrate located in the United States. As of this writing data indicates that 35.4% (66.22 Exahash Per Second) of the world’s hashrate is located in the USA, and 17.87 EH/s (9.5%) is in Canada. The countries control 44.95% each of global hashrate between Canada and the United States.

US Still Dominates Bitcoin Mining Sector, 30-Day Stats Show Foundry USA Takes Top Pool Position’s mining map: U.S. metrics on January 24, 2022.

Binance USA has Binance USA, and SBI Crypto US. Viabtc US is Binance USA. Antpool US. F2pool USA are Foundry USA. According to 30-day statistics, the eight biggest mining pools in the world are the ones cited above. According to metrics, Foundry USA was able to find 755 blocks last month and accumulated 16.87% of hashrate.

US Still Dominates Bitcoin Mining Sector, 30-Day Stats Show Foundry USA Takes Top Pool Position
December 24, 2022: Data for the 30 Day Pool Distribution

Following Foundry USA’s 30-day stats was Antpool’s 659 blocks found or 14.72% of the BTC hashrate. F2pool discovered the same blocks as Antpool and also captured 14.72%. Binance Pool was fourth with 11.555% or 517 blocks. Poolin, which captured 511 block rewards and 11.42% global havehrate, was the fifth largest mining pool.

Bitcoin Mining Operations are located in Florida, New Jersey and California.

Chainbulletin’s mining map shows that F2pool has an operation in Florida and California, has operations in Virginia, Colorado, and Washington. Foundry USA, which has an Ohio pool, is home to SBI Crypto US. Slushpool US operates in Colorado, California and New Jersey while Antpool is based in Texas. Many smaller American Bitcoin mining sites are combined with the larger U.S. mines.

US Still Dominates Bitcoin Mining Sector, 30-Day Stats Show Foundry USA Takes Top Pool Position’s mining map: Worldwide metrics on January 24, 2022.

These companies often have operations in bitcoin mining overseas. Huobi and as well as SBI Crypto are all based in Germany. Slushpool has operations in Amsterdam, Antpool in Amsterdam, while Slushpool is also in Japan. Okex operates a Bitcoin mining business in Hong Kong. Slushpool and Pooling also have operations in Singapore. Slushpool also has a residence in Russia according to Chainbulletin’s mining map data.

Despite the increased mining difficulty last week and the significant drop in BTC’s price, bitcoin miners worldwide have managed to keep the tempo high. Global hashrate currently runs at 194 EH/s in terms of computing power. 24-hour metrics show that Foundry USA has an even larger share of hashrate with 22.76% of today’s global hashrate or 42.42 EH/s.

In this story, tags
America, Amsterdam. Antpool. Binance Pool. Bitcoin, Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Mining. california. Cambridge Bitcoin Electricity Consumption Index. Canada. CBECI. colorado. Europe. F2Pol. Florida. Foundry. Foundry USA. Germany. Florida. Foundry. Foundry USA. Florida. Foundry. Foundry USA. Florida. Foundry. Foundry USA. Germany. Florida. Foundry., Texas.

Do you have any thoughts about the current concentration of bitcoin miners in America? Please comment below to let us know your thoughts on this topic.

Jamie Redman

Jamie Redman is the News Lead for News. He also lives in Florida and works as a journalist covering financial technology. Redman is an active participant in the cryptocurrency community from 2011. Redman is passionate about Bitcoin and open-source codes. Redman is a prolific writer for News, with over 5,000 articles on disruptive protocols.

Images CreditsShutterstock. Pixabay. Wiki Commons

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