Press Release
PRESS RELEASE. Moxy.io has assembled a group of veterans in the gaming industry. They plan to bring blockchain technology into mainstream video games. The team began their adventure in 2021, when a band of blockchain enthusiasts joined up with a group of video gaming industry experts to revitalise ‘Play to Earn (P2E).’ Having said that, Moxy.io is offering a new paradigm: ‘Play & Earn (P&E)’.
As such, the team is made up of video game industry veterans who were responsible for founding the sector and generating hundreds of popular games and #1 titles over the course of the industry’s existence. Moxy.io will be able to push P&E into the mainstream by using the knowledge, skills and expertise of these professionals. It includes veteran veterans such as Nolan Bushnell (Chief Information Officer), Lawrence Seigel(Executive Chairman), Stewart Bell, President of European Operations), Matt deFouw (“Chief Executive officer”), Derek Rathbun (“Chief Operating Officer”) Tony Bickley (“Chief Product Officer”) and Nolan deFouw “Director of marketing”).
P&E and P2E
Moxy.io’s unique P&E paradigm is not the same as P2E. P2E encourages gamers to use a particular game because they have the opportunity for rewards. These benefits do not necessarily mean that the gamer will be rewarded. The gamer’s perspective is to play for earned benefits, rather than for the love of a game. P2E games lack interest and are often not worth the effort. There are often barriers to entry that make it difficult for late adopters. For example, NFTs can be used to discourage them. This is what contributes to P2E’s Ponzi scheme or pyramid story. It is the exact opposite of the reason people enjoy AAA games. They like it and will pay for it.
Therefore, P&E focuses on improving the experience with mainstream-style titles that already provide a fantastic gaming experience. P&E is built on gameplay first and foremost, with the added benefit of earned rewards to boost the enjoyment element. The game should hence be playable in the classic sense, with the sole motive being the player’s enjoyment of the game. Moxy.io’s Proof of Play™ is a fundamental foundation to P&E. Moxy Club users can earn SCORE points (a sub token) by simply playing a relevant game. They are not required to log any playtime, and they are not AFK (away form the keyboard).
Each day, the number of MOXY Awards delivered will depend on how many SCORE users have earned. Participation in P&E-enabled events is not required for players to receive Proof of Play prizes; instead, they are earned simply by playing their favourite games. Furthermore, Moxy Forge, Moxy.io’s industry-standard API/SDK stack, enables video game companies and publishers to incorporate P&E mechanisms into new and current titles.
Moxy Club members have the opportunity to take part in skill-based gaming types that are available on Moxy.io. The game format will include a prize pool and PvP (player against player), as well team-based and league-based games. Importantly, every player in these games will contribute through Moxy to the reward pools. Winners receive credit towards their efforts at the conclusion of the season or game.
Flow ecosystem
Moxy.io Platform is built on the Flow ecosystem. Moxy.io builds on the Flow ecosystem’s power and future-proofing environment. The Moxy.io Team took a lot of time to assess the current DeFi environment. In the end, Flow was the only solution that satisfied all of Moxy.io’s needs.
Moxy.io was built on Flow because of its rich tech stack and token mechanisms. NFT ecosystem, stablecoins, NFT ecosystem, smart contracts architecture, customer services, and existing stablecoin. It could very well be that the partnership was predestined, since Moxy.io is “By Gamers and for Gamers” and Flow is “By Developers and for Developers.” Right now, game developers and studios may get in touch with the team to register for early access to Moxy Forge via the official website. The team recommends securing a position in the P&E revolution as soon as feasible by joining Moxy Club at the earliest possible convenience.
Moxy.io’s middleware layer, positioned to power the next generation of gaming, is introducing the P&E concept to today’s favourite video game titles spanning PC, console, and mobile platforms. Through Moxy Forge, an industry-standard SDK/API stack, they offer the functionality of blockchain as well as P&E mechanisms to any video game. With the support of Moxy.io’s infrastructure, staff, and knowledge, publishers can quickly deploy their own regulatory-compliant Play & Earn models to new or current products.
To date, some of Moxy.io’s notable funding participants include Shima Capital, RockTree Capital, Polygon Studios and GSR. Moxy’s past accomplishments include an outstanding advisory board and team, as well as closing their $10,350,000 round. Moxy Club saw 35,000 preregistrations with minimal marketing. Moxy Club will launch two new video games using the integrated API stack.
Lastly, regarding future goals, the team will focus on community growth, powering the P&E revolution, making blockchain technology accessible to mainstream publishers, studios and developers, onboarding more Moxy Club members, integrating Moxy Forge to stack with additional video game titles, educating the general public about the advantages of blockchain technology, and hosting large tournaments on Moxy titles to help further build and engage with the community. The platform and Moxy Club pre-launch will occur on March 31st, with the TGE scheduled for 2022’s second quarter.
For more information, visit Moxy’s website, timeline, whitepaper and Twitter feed.
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