The Perth Heat is one of Australia’s most popular baseball teams. They have adopted the bitcoin standard. Players and staff will receive bitcoin payments. The team also accepts bitcoin as payment.
Bitcoin Standard will be used by the Perth Heat
The Perth Heat, a major baseball team in the Australian Baseball League, announced Wednesday that it will “operate on bitcoin standard.”
Opennode is a partnership with Opennode bitcoin payments company to process and receive bitcoin payments powered via the Lightning Network. “In partnership with Opennode, the Perth Heat is setting bitcoin as the new standard for payments and payouts,” the team wrote. This announcement says:
Perth Heat players will be paid in Bitcoin, staff members in Bitcoin, as well as accepting bitcoin payments for merchandise and sponsorships. [and] hodl bitcoin on the club’s balance sheet.
Perth Heat CEO Steven Nelkovski commented: “We firmly believe that the mindset that bitcoin imparts on network participants will be felt by our players, coaches, staff, and our loyal fan base and we look forward to setting the bar for how much value a sports organization can bring to a community in the bitcoin age.”
Perth Heat Chief Bitcoin Officer Patrick O’Sullivan opined:
The Perth Heat is committed to operating in accordance with a Bitcoin standard. In doing so, they are shifting their corporate treasury away from dollars and to bitcoin.
He clarified: “The club has already established an initial position in BTC … This is not a one-off purchase to hedge against future uncertainties or inflationary pressures. The Perth Heat are embracing the reality that the future of money and corporate treasuries will live on the Bitcoin blockchain.”
How do you feel about Perth Heat adopting bitcoin standards? What do you think about other teams following suit? Comment below to let us know your thoughts.
Images CreditsShutterstock. Pixabay. Wiki Commons
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