Press release
PRESS RELEASE. INTERNET CITY, DUBAI, April 1, 2022 – LBank Exchange, a global digital asset trading platform, will list Lilly Finance (LY) on April 2, 2022. LBank Exchange will make the USDT/LY trading pair available to all its users on April 2nd, 2022 at 21:00 (UTC+8)
Lilly Finance was founded by Lillian Bay (a young woman with cystic hygroma), who used the power and flexibility of cryptocurrency and blockchain to create a better health system and a wealth future that is all ours. To further increase its international reach, its native token LY will go on the LBank Exchange on April 2nd at 21:00 UTC+8.
Introduce Lilly Finance
Lilly Finance is a financial institution that identifies the needs and opportunities in healthcare. Then, it employs next-generation decentralized financing systems (DeFi), to help make these changes faster. Lilly Finance supports and launches projects to break down silos that often make care inefficient and ineffective.
Lilly was named after founder Brad Beatty’s now-12-year-old daughter, Lillian Bay, born with a rare disorder known as cystic hygroma. Boca Grande in FL was a tight-knit community that rallied around the family to help Lilly get the surgery she required to live. Inspired by his daughter’s bravery and his community’s support, Beatty dedicated his efforts to promoting funding and research in the medical industry. He is leveraging Lilly Finance to support children’s charities, assisting surgeries and saving lives.
Lilly Finance is a two-fold investment that enhances the human future. It targets research areas and practices that have not been met real need. Second, collaboration has become almost impossible due to the rapid growth of healthcare systems.
Lilly also empowers everyone, regardless of their financial status, through creating an accessible and stable financing instrument to help them plan for the future. Platforms like Ethereum and Bitcoin have helped to open up the market and created wealth in places it didn’t exist before. Lilly gives you the chance to have that same opportunity, but in a more healthy world.
About LY Token
LY is Lilly Finance’s native token. ERC-20 estimates that LY’s total supply is 120 quadrillion. 120,000,000,000,000,000) tokens. It is 30% for the liquidity pool. 15% of the tokens will go to marketing and development. The remaining 1% will go into Lilly Giving.
LY token tax a total 10% on every transaction. 2% of this is reflected to holders. 1% will go back to liquidity pool. 3% will go to marketing, development and the remaining 1% will go into Lilly Giving.
LY will begin trading on LBank Exchange (UTC+8) at 21:00 on April 2, 2022. Investors who are interested can purchase and sell LY tokens via LBank Exchange. The company’s growth and attention will increase with the listing of LY at LBank Exchange.
Find out more about LY Token:
Official Website: https://lillyfinance.com
Telegram: https://t.me/OfficialLillyFinance
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/sZS9Xw4dER
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LillyFinance
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lillyfinanceofficial/
LBank Exchange
LBank Exchange was founded in 2015. It is a global trading platform that allows users to trade various cryptocurrency assets. LBank Exchange offers its customers safe cryptocurrency trading and specialized financial derivatives. It also provides professional asset management services. The platform has been a trusted choice for crypto traders, with more than 6 million people from more than 200 countries.
Get started trading now: lbank.info
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LBK Blockchain Co. Limited
LBank Exchange
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