A study found that 8.3% of South African internet users have NFTs, while 9.4% stated they intend to purchase such tokens.
Twelfth-Highest NFT Adoption Rate
The results of the Finder’s latest online survey show that around 8.3% (or 1,205) of South African Internet users have a nonfungible token (NFT). These results are sufficient to place South Africa 12th in NFT adoption worldwide.
The survey revealed that 9.4% South Africans plan on purchasing NFTs. When this is combined with the number of internet users that already own NFTs, South Africa’s NFT adoption could soon rise to 17.8%. This number is significantly higher than Vietnam’s (17%), which currently ranks fifth worldwide.
The Philippines (32%), Thailand (27%), Malaysia (24%), and the United Arab Emirates (+23%) have the highest number of NFT owners worldwide. Nigeria is sixth in the world, with 13.7% of those polled confirming that they have an NFT.
South African men hold more NFTs
The findings also show that South African men have a higher likelihood of owning NFTs than their counterparts in South Africa. 10.5% of South African men claim to possess at least one NFT, while 6.3% of South African women say they do. According to Finder this gap in gender is 4.2 percentage point higher than the global average 2.7%
As expected, younger South Africans dominate with the youngest age group accounting for more than ten percent of the country’s NFT owners.
“People aged 18 to 24 are the most likely to have NFTs in South Africa (11%). At the other end of the spectrum are people ages 55 to 64 (5.2%),” the survey explained.
The only countries with more female NFT owners than men are Thailand and Venezuela. UAE, on the other end of the spectrum, has the fewest women who own NFTs.
Although many people expect NFT adoption worldwide to grow, Japan was found to have the most ignorant internet users. About 90% of Japanese users said they don’t know what NFTs are. Next is Germany with 83% and then the United Kingdom at 79%.
These findings got your attention. Let us know what you think about these findings in the comment section.
Images CreditsShutterstock. Pixabay. Wiki Commons
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